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Dear EPALE colleagues,
EPALE has officially launched!
EPALE was officially launched to members of the adult learning community at a conference in Brussels. Over 220 stakeholders, Commission officials and members of the national teams attended the grand event on 15 April, and more than 5000 people watched the conference online in real time. If you feel like you’ve missed out – check out some video highlights here.
News from around Europe
Change has been high on the agenda for adult learning. In Lithuania, officials are tackling the digital divide through a modernisation of IT infrastructure in public libraries (EN).
Meanwhile, professionals at an engineering foundation conference (ECOCON 2015) in Tallinn discussed the challenges of engineering education and the reforms that need to take place in order to make it “interesting” to students again (EE). Italy’s adult education system is also undergoing an important change as it looks to create regional education centres to cater for the changing educational environment (IT).
A changing landscape was also on Austrian MEP Heinz K.Becker’s mind, as he stressed the value of intergenerational learning at the EUCIS-LLL policy debate that took place in Brussels recently (EN). But older learners in Slovenia were one step ahead of Becker – they attracted international attention when they came together to celebrate the 3rd festival of older people knowledge and culture (SL).
Don’t miss – blog posts
Aaron Rajania shares his thoughts on innovation in adult learning (EN) while researcher Barry J. Hake warns readers of the downsides of digital learning environments (EN). Look out for Simon Broek’s thought-provoking piece on learning styles and didactics in adult learning (EN).
Other EPALE experts have been thinking about numeracy. Learner Support expert Ian Atkinson reflected on the challenges of teaching numeracy to low-skilled adults (EN), while EBSN’s Maria Toia gives an interesting insight into basic skills provision and tested strategies (EN). John Stewart of NALA reflects on the importance of numeracy (EN), and community blogger Daniel Sellers discusses a report on a project in Ireland (EN) that built tutors’ numeracy teaching capabilities.
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