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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě

20 Zář

Skills, skills, skills: Skills for people, skills for competitiveness, skills for sustainability

Belgie, Brussels
Profile picture for user lllplatform.
Lifelong Learning Platform

Skills, skills, skills: Skills for people, skills for competitiveness, skills for sustainability

Skills, Skills, Skills! 

As part of this European Year of Skills, the joint event "Skills, skills, skills: Skills for people, skills for competitiveness, skills for sustainability" aims to bring together key stakeholders to discuss the challenges of the skills needed for the future and the initiatives currently taking shape to ensure that any approach to skills takes into consideration the right to education, inclusion and lifelong learning.

The event will take place on 20 September both on site (by invitation) and online and it is organised by 5 EU agencies (CedefopEurofoundEU-OSHA, the ETF and ELA) alongside the European Parliament and the European Commission. You can review the draft programme here.

Event Details
As planned
Online type
Druh organizátora
Jiná událost
Hybrid event
Organiser name
EU agencias, EU Parliament, EU Commission
Cílová skupina
Sítě a organizace v oblasti učení v dospělosti
Tvůrci politik
Účastnický poplatek