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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih




We are proudly announcing the end of the E+ project:

“CIRCUS – CIRCUlar and Sustainable tools for adults” 2019-1-UK01-KA204-061972

The main objectives of this project were:

  • To exchange knowledge, tools and best practices in our countries and our organizations regarding circular economy
  • To create an interactive book with new tools and methodologies for the definition and implementation of circular and sustainable projects
  • To empower adults and adult trainers with new circular economy tools and methodologies for the creation of sustainable projects under circular models

And, here are the results:

•A first face-to-face meeting was held in Santander (Spain) on the 11 and 12th of November 2019. The main aim of the meeting was to review the entire project, to meet our respective teams in person and help us to establish a good basis for communication and collaboration.


•From 4th to 11th of June, 2021; 30 participants from the United Kingdom, Poland and Spain attended the Training Course in Spain, which included both theoretical and practical activities to promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among adult people. Participants enjoyed a wide range of lessons on Sustainability, Circular Economy, design methods for sustainable project development and other team building activities.

Besides, they carried out several visits in which they studied real cases of sustainable entrepreneurship initiatives in rural areas of Cantabria.

•From 3rd to 7th of October 2021, 6 youth workers attended the Study visit to the UK. The visit’s aim was to transfer the best practices and techniques of circular economy and entrepreneurship in the adult field. Therefore, the participants visited the Preston City Council to meet the leader and to find out all the details about the Preston Model, a plan to create a more sustainable and circular city. Besides, they attended a presentation of CWP on media and innovation best practices. They also went to Recycling Lives to learn new initiatives and best practices in sustainability and adult engagement.
Furthermore, they visited the Chamber of Commerce-Circular Economy and Business, the Project TBA.

•From 19th to 23rd of October 2021, 6 participants attended the Study visit to Starachowice (Poland), to know the best practices on sustainability and circular economy carried out by local enterprises focused on revitalisation, local schools and the Polish partner, GS City Hall. The visit attendees met the Major of the city who explained the best practices of Starachowice on ecology such as how they had renounced the use of plastic in public facilities. Besides, they went to MAN, a factory recognized for implementing environmentally friendly and innovative solutions in the bus manufacturing process.  Moreover, they visited the Vocational School Complex nº2 of Starachowice to celebrate the Erasmus Days in which the attendees discussed on projects in the field of circular economy and best practices. In addition, they visited the CERRAD Factory which uses the ‘zero waste’ method. Finally, they had a meeting with teachers of a primary school and visited the Kielce Technology Park and Municipality.

•The interactive book "From trash to Treasure. Theories and tools for a circular economy" was successfully published and disseminated in the three languages (English, Polish and Spanish). It is a very practical tool for adult trainers who want to know creative and innovative methodologies and tools for bringing sustainable project design and entrepreneurship to adult people.

The 3 versions of the book are available - discover them here.

•The COVID pandemic only let us organise multiplier events in the UK and Spain, but the four events (2 in our country and 2 in Spain) were totally successful and attended by more of 80 people, including relevant stakeholders in adult field and in non-formal educational decision-making processes.

•We successfully implemented the dissemination strategy from the project start, having the opportunity to disseminate the project results at local, regional, national and international level already.
•According to the conclusions of the evaluation meetings we did through Skype, the partners agreed that the project objectives were totally reached, since our staff were strengthening their competences on sustainable entrepreneurship, circular economy, permaculture, climate change and many other environmental topics through the the book development (research and collaborative writing), learning activities attendance and dissemination activities organisation/attendance (internal workshops, multiplier events, etc).


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