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Event Details

22 Ян.

Creativity in the Classroom and Different ways of Displaying It

Profile picture for user Maksima Training Center Split Croatia.
Maša Reić
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Creativity in classroom is aimed at teachers of any subject, at Pre-Primary, Primary, Elementary, Secondary and High school levels; but it can also be useful to head teachers, school directors and other educational staff.

The creativity in the classroom course focuses on the ways and strategies teachers can use to make the classes more interesting to students. It’s getting more and more challenging to be a teacher and educator in the 21st century! For that reason teachers have to make a great effort to constantly refresh methods of teaching and increasing creativity in classroom activities.

Event Details
As planned
Тип на събитието
Събитие за професионално развитие
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№ на проекта в ЕС
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Данни за контакт
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Учени, студенти, изследователи в областта на андрагогиката
Мрежи и организации за учене за възрастни
Цели и задачи
Learn different strategies to improve your teaching skills with emphasis on creativity in the classroom Gain new inspiration for using traditional and alternative teaching methods Integrate with teachers from all around Europe Learn how to prepare your lesson in a more creative and interesting way through stimulating lateral and critical thinking Learn how to change your lessons from traditional to problem and project based ones Learn the benefits of team work
Признаване / сертифициране на участието и/или резултатите от ученето
Такса за участие

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