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Komunitajiet tal-Prattika

Komunitajiet tal-Prattika

Il-komunitajiet tal-prattika huma gruppi onlajn fejn jistgħu jingħaqdu flimkien nies b’interessi simili mis-settur tat-tagħlim għall-adulti. Issieħeb f’komunità sabiex tiltaqa’ ma’ membri ta’ EPALE minn madwar l-Ewropa li jaħsbuha bħalek u aqsam ideat, riżorsi u prattiki tajbin.

FIETE Erasmus+ Project

33 membri
FIETE project promote ways for currently unemployed recent graduates from VET courses to get max benefit from a long-duration internship in another European country leading to employment opportunities

MIND Project

37 membri
MIND project aims to strengthen mental health practices and improve the emotional well-being of VET learners. This project aims to strengthen the capacity of VET professionals to implement best practi

eGreen Erasmus+

32 membri
The objective of is to develop and disseminate solutions so that VET professionals and VET learners can actively engage in a successful green digital transformation.

Mentors’ ENgagement through Training and Oriented Results (MENTOR)

39 membri
The aim of the MENTOR project is to strengthen the capacity of youth organisations by providing them with tools to facilitate the implementation of mentoring activities within their own activities.

Groene Vaardigheden

14 membri
Groene vaardigheden.
Een netwerk van professionals waarmee je kennis, ervaringen, onderzoeksresultaten uitwisselt, waarmee je discussies voert en samen verder groeit. Een plek waar je goede voorbeelden en documenten vindt

B-Skills project - Upskilling adults learners with Blockchain basic skills

14 membri
It will act as a Community of practice of the B-Skills project (Erasmus + Programme - KA220) where people interested in Blockchain literacy can join and exchange ideas, resources, and good practices.

Female Entrepreneurship Group

19 membri
Purpose of group The aim of the group is to explore and understand the best way to promote entrepreneurial skills in women, in the European context. Taking as a starting point the sharing of models

Educating Talents

40 membri
Empower teachers to prevent talented learners from becoming bored, underperforming or even dropping out of school. These strategies will give talented learners the opportunity to reach their potential


2 membri
Inclusion of vulnerable groups in rural areas by environmental awareness and social entrepreneurship through mycology

e-learning on digitalisation and resilience for directors and managers of third sector organisations

2 membri
With the support of the Erasmus+ programme, we created the e-learning platform The aim of this Community of Practice is to exchange ideas for its improvement

LINK Community of Practice

7 membri
LINK logo.
LINK Community of Practice is aimed to discuss learning opportunities on digital and employability skills for young adults with behavioural and cognitive disabilities

Comunità Democratica e Sviluppo Sostenibile

19 membri
Aumentare competenze dei docenti: a livello metodologico-didattico per migliorare l'apprendimento degli studenti, le competenze dei docenti per lavorare in team, le competenze linguistiche doc.. disc.