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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Activate the University for Climate Change - ATTUNE

Activate the University for Climate Change is an innovative learning programme that directly addresses Climate Change on the university campus

Juan Carlos BARRIOS

ATTUNE - Activate the University for the climate change is a comprehensive proposal that aims to mitigate Climate Change by reducing the emissions that the university community generates in its daily activity in areas such as transportation, energy use, food or production. of waste.

It has been tested during this academic year in 5 Universities with more than 1,700 participants and several work groups. The proposal is especially useful for the Green Offices that universities are now establishing. to create more sustainable communities.

In the future, the ATTUNE program can be integrated by any European university or higher and is based on a multilingual online platform supported by easy-to-understand manuals.

The presentation of the tools and resources created will take place at the University of Hildesheim (Germany) on October 10.

More information at:

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